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Parliamentary floods inquiry calls for submissions 

The Parliamentary Committee inquiry into insurers’ responses to last year’s major floods has called for submissions by the end of October and will also soon accept contributions through an online survey. 

The inquiry was referred to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics on August 7 and a report will be delivered by September 30 next year. 

“The committee invites individuals and organisations to send in their opinions and proposals in writing,” it says on the inquiry website. 

In addition, an online survey will be posted to allow people a “simple, quick and accessible way” to share their experiences with flood insurance with the committee. 

The terms of reference mainly focus on claims experiences and issues while also extending across internal dispute resolution, affordability and the impact of land use planning decisions and disaster mitigation. 

Topics include insurer communications, accessibility and affordability of hydrology reports and assessments to policyholders and the different types of insurance contracts offered. 

The inquiry will have regard to insurer preparedness for future flood events and take into account the Australian Securities and Investments Commission claims handling review and the upcoming Deloitte review commissioned by the Insurance Council of Australia. 

Further details are available here